29 September 2010

Stone Paper (no scissors).

 I found this at Urbanwrite, the stationery shop:

Haha! Stone paper!

It costs about $3.80 and there are about 70 plus pages (estimate), which means that a lot of sketchings if you use both sides (not for me though...)

The paper has an extremely smooth texture (though it felt rather strange at first.. almost too smooth) and slightly powdery to the touch.. The pages are also slightly off white, understandbly, since no bleach was added, so don't expect super white paper! I love how the book is square!

I love square sketch books!
The best materials that I have tried working it with are definitely pencils. Ink takes too long to dry, and leaves indentations on the next page (the pencils can too, if you press too hard. Thing is, you won't have to press really hard to get a darker colour!) Plus the paper kind of "absorbs" the ink, and you might get a smudgy effect. However, it also depends on the type of pen in used. I tried it with a 0.7 ink pen and it just started to smudge. A 0.38 ink pen worked much better in a sense that the colours actually stayed the way they were.

Watercolour doesn't hold very well (which is a duh).. workable, but messy and it doesn't "stick" to the paper. I have not tried acrylic, but I think it might work better.

Each page is rather thin, so I could see the image behind. It could be interesting to do ome effect in which the image behind would affect the one in front... perhaps some kind of flip book? I have to explore it further.

I'm not familiar with thin papers, and I enjoy working with thick papers, mainly cartridge paper, especially for watercolors, since it would need to hold water. Even for drawings I tend to pick thicker papers. But this has been alright so far. It takes quite a bit of getting used to (or not!).

I used in to draw first, and create the shadows. Colour pencils glide on smoothly, and the colour comes out quite nicely.

I had a obsession with my feet.. I always feel like my veins were too ugly and protruding.. But i have leant to love them a bit more, so feet (and veins), this is a tribute to you!

See how thin the paper is? A bit of watercolour was used on the bunny (Bunny!).. the ink used just kept smudging and it took forever to dry (about five to ten minutes).. I used watercolour pencils to colour some parts and swished water to turn it into watercolour..

One of my most patient and best models.

An eyelash curler, in case you ere wondering, or have never used one befoe. Heh. I tend to have to curl my non-existent eyelashes most of the time even if I don't coat my lashes with mascara.

I used a 2B and 4B pencil for this one.

I shall be on the lookout for new papers and materials to draw/ paint on. I am feeling experimental these days!

Have a good day!

Peter sneaks

Here are a few sneaks of what to expect in the Peter zine. Hehe.

Have a lovely day!

24 September 2010

Updates, outtakes and other stuff.

I have started a few new projects, and sometimes I just decide to do something really quickly and complete it much faster than those that I actually planned.

1) Bunny graphic novel
As this is a huge project I intend to only start in December, after my exams. It will be a sit down and draw and draw thing. And I might have to shift the production date to much later. Not sure how it'll go though.
Status: Still in the preliminary stages. A lot slower than I would like.

2) Peter sketch zine
Sketches of Peter Lion, the adorable fat cat I love!
Status: In the works

3) Daniel zine
Status: On hold. Currently don't believe in love. :O

4) Untitled.
A personal zine which I hope can answer the question of "what can replace romantic love"? Since
Status: In the works

* * *

I have received my lovely posters from charmstudio. My walls are less dull now! Heh! I'm hoping to fill them up with my own work too of course. Soon soon soon! I want more hours in a day!

Have a lovely day!

21 September 2010

All is Well and Full of Love

I can't believe I did this in two days.. Spent today trying to get the printing right.

A personal zine, done over two days, involved writing furiously and searching within me to find out what it was that was bothering me so much about being "in love", especially since I thought I found it awhile back.

16 pages of scribblings.

I'd probably get it up on my etsy shop once I get my credit card, which will be (hopefully) next month.

19 September 2010


I know, it's so strange.. Who is Daniel?

Daniel is going to be my first illustrated zine, I think. I say I think because I'm not sure I want to do that many illustrations. I'm not really sure where this is going, but I've started on a few pages of it (a few like uhm.. 4)

It's basically about a boy named Daniel. That's as much as I'm telling for now. Haha, I'd have to see when it's done.

Daniel will, hopefully, remind you of someone you love.

17 September 2010

Things I learnt from You

I drew a series of lessons I learnt from someone I love(d?). I thought it'd be nice to share.

05 September 2010

Bunny #7- The Bunny who can't be moved

Bunny, on his journey to find Daddy, heads back to where he first met him (this will probably be in the novel..).


Who would've thought!

Red shoes

Bunny #6 - Bunny begins his journey

Bunny is out to find Daddy again, because he misses him so much. Mommy knows that this is something important to him,and therefore, lets him go (albeit reluctantly).

I need a watch

Please Take Care of This Jiggly.

Bunny #5 - Beary

Beary is confused... does his Daddy love him?

Bunny #4- Bunny visits Mommy

Bunny, still living with Daddy, decides to pay Mommy a visit.


02 September 2010

counting the days

I've stopped counting.

Bunny #3- Mommy gets a call

Bunny calls Mommy from somewhere.




And then I was 22.

Note: My boobs aren't that huge in real life.

telephone call


Possibly the most detailed sketch of Beary to date.

If I could

My very first cupcakes

I made little boxes with some scrapbooking paper, from a template I found online.

Voila! Cupcake gifts!

01 September 2010


Peter Lion is a community cat that likes to come visit my house, and sleeps outside on the shoe rack every afternoon.

He's an absolute dear, but much too fat for a stray.


I have no idea why I  liked to sketch rabbits, but I just did.

Charity cards

Last year (or was it the year before?) I worked with Kyle to help design a set of blank cards to sell at our school bazaar, of which profits we sold to charity.

Bunny #2- The Adventures of Bunnylona

Note: Please read through "Bunny, explained", if you are unfamiliar with Bunny.

Bunny tries to contact his Daddy, through Mommy's mobile.

Bunny #1- The Adventures of Bunnylona

Please read through "Bunny, explained", if you are unfamiliar with Bunny.

It is recommended that you read my comments below after reading the comic. It will give you a sense of what was going on in my head when I did it. Sometimes I make up the comments because I can't remember, and sometimes my comments don't even make sense..

I have given you the choice of not viewing them by leaving a few spaces after the end of the strip.

This was my first ever Bunny strip!

The one that started at all..