31 October 2010

Chinese ink

I painted these with chinese ink.

I love the smell and the richness of the ink.. It reminds me of my childhood.. Back to a time where I did chinese brush painting when I was 11.

These paintings were done from sketches of random people, and were part of my experimenation process for a friend's zine cover.

27 October 2010

Art Focussed interview

The letter wrote that Iwould be attending an "Art focussed interview" and I was somewhat nervous before that. So I started doodling in my little square book.

26 October 2010

For a dear friend


HA! I purposely did not align the piture so if anyone steals this andtries to reprint it they will get this little mark at teh corner of the page, and I WILL KNOW. Ok, I'm kidding.


18 October 2010


What a wonderful morning! I cycled to Mcd's, had a great breakfast (ok, I had a BIG breakfast), accompanied by a good book, came home, did a painting:

Charcoal, taken, not stolen, from the Drawing class I took as an elective two semesters ago.

And I had the most wonderful surprise from a dear friend!

What a great day! Hehehe.

A love so beautiful

Listening to Roy Orbison's "A love so beautiful" this morning (and through the whole of today, including during my run), and I thought of a boy that I loved and I sudddenly had an urge to paint something.

And I crawled back into bed:

and when i think of you
I fall in love again

A love so beautiful
we let it slip away

My whole day has been a spiral of melancholy, and yet, so very beautiful.

14 October 2010

My Etsy is now open!

Fortunately, (or unfortunately), I am only confident enough to list one item at the moment.. HMMM!

Anyhoos! Do take a look (if you want)!



11 October 2010

Sketchy Musings Book 1

It is finally here!

I would like to thank some people specifically:

My mum and Janna - For teaching me how to use a scanner.

Faisal - For furrowed eyebrows and sighs of exasperation, and also for layout techniques and overall worry that my pages won't fit. And also attempting to teach me Japanese binding (which I MAY do for my next books) sine "30 pages is too thick to staple! It won't be nice! You have to bind it! That's what I would do for my books..."

Janell -  For getting me started on this whole business (as in, the business of zine making.. not some money making venture okay.) and also for printing advice. AND also stapling advice "30 plus pages you want to bind? You can still staple!" and also other ways to keep my paper together.

Ah hem.

I used a ribbon to tie the centre. About 30 plus pages of sketches and some amateurish writing. This one has a few dreams. Home of the first ever Bunny comic!

A collection of doodles and thoughts.
14cm by 14cm.
Approx 34 pages

Not yet avaliable on Etsy because I AM STILLWAITING FOR CREDIT CONFIRMATION. 

Have a good day y'all!

09 October 2010

Old treasures

These little treasures were re-discovered by my sister, while almost throwing out an old notepad.

I remember doing these also to entertain my sister, who was bored, and somehow all we had then was this National Environmental Agency notepad, each bearing a different message on the top...

We really had a hoot (not in an owl sense).

And finally!

I had no idea what was going through my mind. Seriously. But the first one is still my favourite!

Note: It's ok if you don't "get it".. I don't either.

05 October 2010

I am not a fairy!

So I bought a bone folder today, and my friend, convinced that it looks girly on me (How a bone folder "looks" on someone, I have yet to understand... Haha.) insisted that I am a "fairy", now that I have it.

There, there are no such thing as fairy cats!

And I have started to call it a bone wand. So sue me.

Drawn in Illustrator, coloured in Photoshop. :)

02 October 2010

It's Nothing Personal - perzine

This is first printed perzine that will be for sale. I still have slight uneasiness about giving it to people who know me personally so please don't be offended if I decline you a copy. There will be other zines for you, I assure that!

I enjoy writing about relationships- sometimes real, sometimes made up.

This one is about one of my adventures in "love", as told when I removed my rose-tinted glasses (I keep seeing/ using that phrase nowadays!).

About 18 pages of mostly text and some drawings, 1/4 size.